Introducing the one and done laundry experience from GE PROFILE! This brand new machine will change laundry for you forever. In just two hours you’ll have a large freshly cleaned and dried load waiting for you! But how?
The unit has an adaptive smart dispense feature, meaning it will sense and weigh your load and determine how much soap and fabric softener to use, and then it will automatically dispense the amount into the load. Up to 35 washes will fit into the soap dispenser! Saving you the math and the hassle.
There is also an easy to reach lint filter grabs both lint and microparticles, ensuring that your machine operates at the highest level of efficiency. Once the machine is operating in your home, you can connect it to your Wi-Fi and unlock features such as swimwear, air fluff, and jeans.
But the most exciting feature is the ventless heat pump that allows the machine to have a fast airflow drying system. Which eliminates the need for a dryer exhaust vent. Thus, creating endless possibilities of what your laundry room can really be!
So here is what to do next. Stop in at McMunn & Yates, fall in love, get the machine in your house, plug it into a plain ol’ 120V and hook up the water, throw the clothes in, go for a Valentine’s date night, and come back home to a fresh load of clothes!
…we just don’t have a machine that folds clothes for you, but we are working on it.